

March's Learning Plan

As I wrote in my previous entry, now I have to finish up reading “A Thousand Splendid Suns” within this week. Extensive reading isn't counted as learning based on my policy, because I don't think it would help improve my English skills effectively. As usual, with a big focus on improving my listening skills, I'm going to continue studying hard this March.

Especially, I should do TED dictation more intensively. I'm planning to resume doing dictations of movies, which is much harder, starting May. This means at least, I really have to be accustomed to the dictation level of TED.

Since the start of this month, I've integrated "Reading by Ear", to ramp up my listening skills. TED dictation isn't very fun, so I put "Reading by Ear" in my plan.

What I have to be careful about is choosing the materials that I’ll be using in my training. I shouldn't choose something too hard; otherwise I can't stick to it.

Reproduction is one of the tough stuff and I hate it, but I really need to do this. This month, I'm going to finish 20 articles from breaking news.

1. TED dictation

2. Audible (Charlie and the Chocolate factory)

3. Reproduction(breaking news)

4. Translation English to Japanese(the Economist)

5. Oral Translation Japanese to English(News de Eikaiwa)

6. Oral Translation English to Japanese (Cnn Studente News)

7. Skype online English lesson

8. Writing

9. S's pronouciation lesson