


Five Patients読み終えました。 

Five Patients

Five Patients





You are right.

I know.
Then next time I see Sevastian, I'm going to march right up to him.

You march

I'm going to tell him how I feel.

You tell him.

And then, i'm going to kiss him so passionately


That even people he hates, wiill feel pleasure.

Hello, Viola,

Oh it is not good.

And hello to you, a little home wrecker.

Ah, who are you?

I am Sevasitian's girl friend.

Ex girl friend.

OK, everybodyhas gotta stop saying that.

Oh you are the one who he dumed at pizza parlor the other day.

No,no no no he didn't dump me, we were just going thru a little bit of a rough patch.

Oh, I heard he dumped you. He dumped you big, it's just like a huge dumping.

You crazy, you ok ?

You are messing with the wrong me in.

Stop, please.

When debby tonse disagree they say it with their eyes

Viola Haisitngs, why is it that I always find you in the middle of a tussle?

Bad timing?