



さて表題のAIHですが女性なら知っている方は意外といると思いますが、Artificial Insemination, 人工授精です。IVFはIn‐vitro fertilization、体外受精です。日本では代理出産は認められて無いので、おそらく体外受精とその上の段階の顕微鏡受精が最後の治療のようです。AIHとIVFはよく混同されますが、AIHは自然妊娠と似ていて、精子を子宮内に注入するのみです。IVFは増やした卵子を外で受精させて戻す、というもので、保険が利かず、お金が超かかります。

Looking back now, it was wise of me that I started working as a regular worker while my son was 0 year old. At that time, I was supposed to be a-stay-at-home mom, enjoying the company of with the  my cute baby, for a while, like 2 years.

 However, I noticed that my city has the second highest number of children wait-listed for day care centers in Osaka-pre, which means when I want to put my baby in public licensed day care in a coulple of years, there will be no guarantee that he gets his seat.will be selected. Also, being with a baby, who kept crying  all day long, killed me.

私の住んでる吹田市は大阪で二番目に待機児童が多いようです。ちなみに保育園待機児童はchildren wait-listed for day care centersでよいようです。息子を産んだ病院で同じ部屋のひとから”吹田市は保育園激戦地区だから、偽装離婚する人もいるんだよ”と効いたときはまさか、とは思いましたが。ちなみに、シングルマザーは保育園の選考に有利になります。

That's why I started working as a part timer only 2 months after my delivery. Luckily enough, my son got a permission to enrole in licensed day care soon, after someone suddenly gave up his seat. Then I found a job where I would be albe to take maternity leave for my would-be second baby, and started working as a reguler worker, this was 6 months after my delivery.

つまり働きたいときに保育園に入れないと。。。働けないわけで。といっても、高額な無認可保育園はちょっとな・・と思ってました。ちなみに認可保育園はlicensed day care で通ります。

Feb/2014, 8 months later I stard working as a regular worker, I stard going to see my gynecologist. I knew my body is not good at being pregnant, even though there seeminlgy was no problem, so I started AIH first. I thought, like when my baby arrived, I would be able to be pregnant soon with AIH.


 However, I didnt get pregnant. Not at all. Actually, about AIH, it is said after 6 times failurefailing 6 times, the success rate wouldnt rise.This means, people who get pregnant with AIH shall be pregnant by 7 times challenge.


 After AIH, the next possible treatment is IVF, which is not covered by insurance at all, in short, very expensive.


 I couldnt bear live with this idea of challenging IVF, considering the cost. It was huge. Actually my pareants and in-laws told me I should be satisfied with 1 kid, I should take care of my son very affectinately, instead of having another.

But I couldnt give up having another kid. And around last fall, I noticed a strand of white hair in my hair.


 THis is the signal of getting old. There is no time. Time is a key for women.That's why I decided to try IVF, which I had never dreamed that I would do, also we could't  have done so if I didn't work as a regular worker.

