



今日は朝から30分エクスチェンジ、30分日本語レッスン。トークではjehovas witness(エホバの証人)について話をしていました。彼らは輸血をうけつけなく、またSの知り合いがここの信者なんだそうですが、この信仰のために死にかけたことがあることなどを話してくれました。

These days, I can physically feel that my delivery, which is expected on the 2rd of October, is approaching.

First,since this morning, sometimes my groin has started to hurt, which is similar to muscle pain.

Second, I've recently felt so called false labor pains, which isare like period ones.-->period pains の方が分かりよい。

Honestly,I'm not excited.

To be honest, I'm not excited.--->better

Rather I'm getting more and more nervous imagining the real labor pains and the pain during my delivery, because it's my first experience.

Rather I'm getting more and more nervous imagining the real labor pains and the pain during my delivery, because this is my first experience.


I'm not sure whether I can get through it or not.

Most people try to calm me down saying all women have been able to go through it since ancient times, so I can do that.

Most of the people around me try to calm me down saying all women have been able to go through it since ancient times, so I can do that.--->better

However such ordinary words of encouragement never work on timid people like me.

However such a cliche of encouragement never works on timid people like me.
