

Bitter Chocolate難しい(汗

本日はいまからパートナーSとエクスチェンジ。今日は朝から病院いったり母親教室行ったりと忙しく、またSもちょっとお疲れのようでいつもの朝タイムに話ができませんでした。あと、いま読んでるbitter chocolateですが進度が遅く、いまだ産業革命以前のところです。チョコにまつわる歴史の部分を読んでるのですが、ルイ13世とかバン・ホーテンとか出てきて面白いです。が、とにかく難しい。かたい本なので仕方ないのかな。とにかく毎日少しでも読まないと嫌になって投げ出してしまいそうな本です。早く現代のチョコ事情の部分に入れればなぁと思ってます。


cut someone off:someoneの行く手を阻む

tag--- 鬼ごっこ ex)play tag

have a prejudice against---嫌う;嫌い

perjury---偽誓; 偽証罪

Today was the day for my 36th week check-up, and unfortunately it turned out the advance of my cervix dilation was very slow. Which means, I would have to undergo so-called the ballon procedure, which artificially opens my cervix from 0cm to 5cm. It might depend on a person, but a lot of people unanimously say it will give me an accute pain. Hearing this bad news, I was frozen in front of my doctor.

However, there was good news. According today's result of the/my ultrasound, my baby's weight was about 2600g, within average. I had been afraid that my baby might be overweight assuming from my big belly, so at least I was little relieved.