



Finally, I reached my 36th week, the last month of pregnancy today.

Fortunately I haven't had any serious problem so far, which made me relieved.

After my 37th week, my baby will be able to come out anytime, so I should be careful and cautious about the slight change in my body.

By the way, recently I have noticed how convenient Japanese lauguage is, as I have been studying it with my English native friend.

Japanese can describe things with very little words, "臨月","勘違いする" to name just a few.

To express the word ”臨月” in English, I have to say "the last month of pregnancy" or "the month in which childbirth is due", which are too long for me.

When it comes to "勘違いする", which I can use in a variety of cases, English doesn't have the word exactly associeated with this according to my previous American teacher.

For example, to say "レッスン時間を勘違いした", I have to say, "I thought my lesson would be at a different time."

Until quite recently, I had been possessed with the idea that English would be more convinient than Japanese, so this new discovery turned my eyes into the advantage of my mother tongue.