



ところで、毎日英語日記をはじめて1ヶ月以上がたちました。この英語日記の目的はスピーキング力の向上です。しょうもないことを言いたいだけなのに、時々今でも言葉が出てこないときがあり、こういうところを直していきたいな、とおもってます。あたりまえのことだと思いますが、日常英会話は、コロコロかわる相手の話についていかないといけないため、一番ハードです。なんでこのライティングトレーニングでdaily Englishを鍛えれば、いずれアカデミック英語もカバーできるだろ、と思ってます。




...添削してもらったんですが、いわゆる日本語の人間に関するアウトプット、インプットは伝わらないようですね。アウトプットはpractice, インプットはstudyのほうがいいのではないか、と言われました。これらはあくまでPC関係etc.に使われる言葉で、人間に関することには使わない、、、とのことでした。

It has been more than 1 month since I started writing my diary in English.

The aim of this is to give my English speaking skill not just fluency but also flawlessness.

Even when talking about just tiny stuff, sometimes I stumble since I can't come up with how to express them.

With this writing training, I hope I can improve this area.

Also, at a risk of stating the obvious, daily English is the hardest part for non native speakers,

since it requires us the skill and the speed to quickly catch up with the variation of topics.

since it requires the skill and the speed to quickly catch up with the variation of topics.


since it requires us to have the skill and the speed to quickly catch up with the variation of topics.

Hence I think the writing training can lead to enhancing my academic English skills as well.

I don't think it's ok or can't be helped that my English could include some mistakes as long as I can express my thought.

If I'm going to study and use English, I might as well beauifully handle it like educated native speakers.

I know it's hard for me, who can't seamlessly manage even Japanese, when it comes to its academic version.

However, I resolutely want to challenge immaculate English.

A lot of people might think writing is outputpractice, but for me, it isn't just the case.

【!】output does not make sense in this sentence.

Rather, I highly regard it as good occasion for inputstudy, because every time I write, I refer to my dictionary, textbooks and what I've learned through lessons or conversation with native speakers.

Conveying my thought with/in perfect English is my goal down the road.