




例えば、I got fired.だとちょっと響きがharshらしいです。そこでI was firedと言った方がやわらいそうな。といってもgetはOKとのことです。

あと、足がしびれるなどのしびれる、 go to sleep で通じるそうです。

Since my doctor told me that he could remove the pain only 30-50% by the epidural delivery, I haven't been able to sleep well.

Since my doctor told me that he could only remove 30-50% of the pain using the epidural delivery, I haven't been able to sleep well.

During night, I tend to suddenly awakeawaken due to the fear to of the pain. It's solely scary.

I'm so weak to pain, this is why I chose the painless delivery.

However, according to him, the pain of constructioncontraction wouldn't be removed so much as I expected before.

It seems different from the one undergone in Western countries.

Now I feel as if I was deceived by the doctor. If the doctor could remove only 30-50% pain at the delivery, it shouldn't be called "painless delivery" but just "relatively painless delivery".

At this point, I can no longer change the hospital. I want to sue him.

I wish I could pass out and undergo C-section. I know after it my wound must hurt, but at least it will be less painful than severe constructioncontraction.