

Go Cold Turkey

今日で必ず読み終わらせます。Newsweek! だいたいの記事は読み終えました。あとはアメリカ女子サッカー選手のHope Amelia Soloに関する記事を読んで終わりにしたいと思ってます。この選手、見かけによらず波乱万丈な人生を送ってます・・・

Newsweek Asia July 30, 2012 (単号)Newsweek Asia July 30, 2012 (単号)


Yesterday afternoon, I had a lunch with my friend whom I met in the pre-mother class.

She carries her first baby like me, so our conversation was really animated and one of her topics especially caught my attention.

According to her, one of her friends is so addicted to smoking that she can't go cold turkey, even though she is pregnant now.

It is common knowledge that smoking might give fatal damage to fetuses. So normally, a lot of women tend to quit smoking when they get pregnant.

What's more, her friend isn't a teenager or soeither. She is already an good adult, maybe in her late 30's. WhyHow can she be so foolish?

【!】How can she be so foolish

【!】Why is she being so foolish

In my case, even though I don't smoke and have only almost never smoked smoked for a very short time so far, I am worrying about whether my baby is fine or not. Hence I can't believe such an optimist.