

Express Myself With Metaphors


以前までMIAは、何か質問するたびに、例を挙げて答えることを要求してきました。yes , noのみ、または”わたしはこう思います”だけではNGでした。当時は難しかった例作り、なんとか今はできてるようです。MIAに言わせると”最近は自分から例をあげるようになってきたわね、good job!”とのこと。





”I'm not satisfied with your answer!”と厳しく突き返されます。



These days my Canadian teacher's lessons have been getting more and more strict.

Actually she has really gotten demanding!

Until recently, when she threw questions regarding TED video,

she asked me to answer with examples, whatever the kind of the questions were.

For instance, if her question was

"Why can people who give someone else presents, in short, spend their money for someone else, not for themselves, later get more benefit?",

First, I had to answer the reason like

"Because in that case, we can feel more satisfied than when we spend on ourselves."

and second, add as in

"Imagine, when you give a flower to your female friend, brabrabrablablabla...."

Always answering with examaples was difficult for me at that point, but now I can manage it.

Nowdays, however, she tends to ask me to express my thoughts with not only examples, but also metaphormetaphors OR a metaphor!

Then, in the case above, I have to add like

"It's a kind of raising vegetables. When we grow vegetables, we give them fertilizer or manure. Giving manure is the same as giving others presents here.

But later, they grow ripe, which means they provide us with a lot of foods.

【!】"with" isn't necessary but much more native sounding"

As a result, we benefit more than the fertilizer or manure that we have given them. "

Honestly, it is very hard for my poor noggin. Thinking up metaphormetaphors OR a metaphor within a minute or so is almost impossible! I can hardly do that.

Nevertheless, she continues encouraging me like "you can do it! Believe yourself!" every time, which pressures me more.

However, if I whine like "I can't, it's too tough, please lower the level", I am sure she getsbecomes dissapointed at me. Actually, once I made her angry since I complained like this.

【!】"becomes" much more native.

According to her, most native speakers are talkative, I mean, they tend to talk, explain something more expressively than Japanese do. When someone asks Japanese something, they would answer as in, "Yes." That's it.

However, in case of Westerns, they would respond like, "Yes, because brabrabrablablabla, and brabrabrablablabla ..."

She hopes not only that I can speak English fluently but also behave like Westerners, incorporate their culture into myself.

I can understand her intention and appreciate her enthusiasm, but it's too tough for me.