








She is an only sibling.彼女は一人っ子。

いや~この言い方は知らなかったなぁ・・フツーにShe has no sibling.しか思いつかんかった。


bug spray (for fly, roach などなど )虫用スプレー

ところでなんだかんだ言って日記を毎日書いていろんなところで添削してもらってます。今日は修正多かったです。添削はパートナーS。一応native sounding を目指しているため、自然な言い回しを教えてもらってます。

Finally my Bon-holiday finished.

Finally my Bon-holiday is over. <---- more native sounding

My Bon-holiday is finally over. <----- even more native sounding.

【!】By saying "finally" over, it sounds like you are saying you are glad, or happy it is over. As if the holiday was hard on you or you simply just didn't enjoy it.

My Bon-holiday ended today. <--- this version, just means it's over, you're not happy or sad about it.

Sadly my Bon-holiday ended today. <--- this version means, you are not happy it is over.

I have to work again starting today.

It's tiring, but there are 2 advantages.

One is when I work, I can be in a cooler place than when I'm off.

I hardly use the air conditioner at my house, because I hate expensive electricity bill.

Here in my office, I can use it since I don't need to concern about the bill.

Here in my office, I can use it since I don't need to be concerned about the bill.

OR (both are very native sounding)

Here in my office, I can use it since I don't need to worry about the bill.

The other is my work makes me easily keep good life rhythm.

The other is my work makes me motivated. <---- native.

I think I can say this for almost all people, being busy makes me spend days more efficiently,in short, I can discipline myself better. For example, I tend to study more than during my days off.