





I think people should leave quicklyquickly leave ATM or automatic ticket machine etc. after they finish their business.

Yesterday I went to the ATM to check my bank account balance. The bank had only 1 ATM machine, so as usual, I had to wait for a while. There was one person in front of me and I was waiting for him to finish his procedure.

Then, the sound of the machine stopped, so I thought finally my turn came. However, the person didn’t try to leave at all. It was obvious he had already done his transaction. Actually, he was dawdling by putting his money back toin his wallet and looking at his bankbook. (you can't put money "back" if it wasn't in his wallet to start with.)

It was very disgusting because except me, there were some people who were waiting by standing in a line.He could have done suchthese things after leaving the ATM.

Every time I see thisthese kind of people, I really get irritated.I don't like such obtuse people.


Also, just so you know, EVERYONE in America, will put their money in their wallet, before they ever turn around.... no one wants the 'bad guys' see you leave with cash. I do this myself. Get cash, immediately put in wallet, then turn to leave. We don't do anything else, but men and women alike.. aren't going to budge until any cash they have is safely out of site. :P